Monday, January 29, 2007

Our last two kid's corner lesson series involved "Bowling" and "Christmas". Our unit entitled bowling for fairness used bowling games and some great Bible lessons to help our kids understand why God sometimes makes decisions that we think are unfair but really our for our best interest. Every body loved bowling - except for our "Pin-Setters" who got a good workout! Our Christmas study helped us understand what it is like to be "Wisekids" for Christ!

Lining up the pins!
Shoop learning to be a wiseman!

On the verge of a steeeeeee-rike!

We acted out the parable of the good samaritan using balloon hats!

Shoop complains that it is hard to bowl with arms made of foam!!

Our kids made Christmas ornaments for each of the families in our church to remind them to put Jesus first this Christmas season!

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